Lady Software Engineer BhavyaSree Charita who is working in 'OpenText Software' Company as a Software Engineer which is located in Raheja IT Park Mind Space in Madhapur . She resides in KPHB 7th Phase along with her husband Karthik Chaitanya. Her husband filed a complaint with Kukatpally Police on Thursday mid night. As per Bhavyasri's husband Karthik, she started to office on Thursday at 8.35am and she SMSd to Karthik that she is going to office in Cab. Later her husband tried contacting her over phone, but no reply from her until Thursday evening. Here a point to be noted that, whether ti is a Private Cab or Office Cab that need to be investigated by the Police. At this point, as Karthik suspected and went to her company and inquired about her, found that she didn't join the office yesterday and even since last 3 days. Kukatpally Police investigating on this missing case whether she travelled in the office cab or a private cab. Bhavya Sri's husban...