ICSI Results June 2011, ICSI Toppers List 2011, ICSI CS Exam Results 2011

ICSI Results June 2011, ICSI Toppers List 2011, ICSI CS Exam Results 2011

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) Company Secretaries (CS) Examination June 2011 results to be published Online on 25th August 2011. Candidates download your CS Exam results E-marks sheet available after 2 PM. ICSI CS Exam results June 2011 published through official website www.icsi.edu, www.icsi.in and unofficial results sites.

Caniddates can also view their results through SMS: Foundation Programme - ICSIFOUNROLL NUMBER to 56263, Executive Programme - ICSIEXECROLL NUMBER to 56263, and Professional Programme - ICSIPROFROLL NUMBER to 56263.

ICSI CS Exam Result June 2011: http://www.icsi.edu/

ICSI Company Secretaries Examination June 2011 Toppers List:

* Professional Programme Examination: 1st Rank - MAHIMA KAPOOR (ROLL No:103900), 2nd Rank - GEETIKA BHATIA (ROLL No:101545), 3rd Rank - SNEHA SINGH
(ROLL No:102411).
* Executive Programme Examination: 1st Rank - ANJALI AGARWAL (ROLL No:51208) and ANKUSH BINDAL (ROLL No:45467), 2nd Rank - NAMAN GUPTA (ROLL No:41526), 3rd Rank - SONALI AGGARWAL (ROLL No:45465).
* Foundation Programme Examination : First Rank - ADITYA ASHOK DAKH (ROLL No:23569), Second Rank - YASH DABRIWAL (ROLL No:1264) and SWAPNA SARAH K
(ROLL No:20251), Third Rank - KRITIKA SONI (ROLL No:15046) and UMANG NIRMAL KHETAN (ROLL No:22937).

The result can check at the below provided website link -

ICSI CS Result June 2011 Toppers List: http://www.icsi.edu/ResultJ2011/top.htm

Guys, if you face any difficulty in accessing the the above said link, please leave a comment, so that accordingly we will change / provide another link which is working.


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