RGV about Anna Hazare tweeted in Twitter

 “I wonder how many of the nation wide supporters of Anna if given power themselves will not become corrupt”.

“People in power will always be corrupt and people without power will always be jealous”.

“If corruption is defined as taking advantage of ones position to get something better out of life then everyone is corrupt in one way or other”.

“I have no moral stance to talk against corruption because I am very corrupted due to lots and lots of corrupt thoughts in me. I have not become corrupt so far because I dint get the opportunity and I also don't have the required courage”.

These are the tweets posted by Ram Gopal Varma today. It gives a clear indication that RGV is looking at Anna Hazare as a selfish and jealous individual. He camouflaged that giving his own opinions on corruption. He confused in his own style that he is corrupted in one way and also stated in contrary in another tweet that he is not courageous to become corrupted.

Is this just to grab media attention or truly his feelings? Only RGV has to say.


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