Year 2012 Nostradamus Predictions - Few Points to Know About the World End Date 21st Dec 2012 of Mayan Calendar

Who is this Nostradamus and why is his 2012 predictions coming to light, right after the critical talks of the world ending in 2012 and an ancient Mayan Calendar?

Nostradamus’ predictions and the thesis of what his writings mean, have come to the prefect place., being a resource, talks about a huge range of visions which are written in the quatrains of the ‘French seer’.

Lets’ explore the scholars’ interpretations whether their assertions that Nostradamus’ prediction of the end of the world are said as correct!

About Nostradamus Predictions for 2012

  • From the time Nostradamus has published his illusions in 16 century collections, ‘The Prophecies’, he has ascended to eminence as a huge spiritual figure. He made a mixture of 1000 quatrains into enigmatic 4-line poems, which are till date the genesis for ample number of people tied with the astrology, horoscopes and predictions of supernatural help. Many even assume that few predictions have come true.
  • Most of his life is spent staying in France, and with the death of his 1st wife and their two children, he roamed to Italy for 4 years.
  • At this depression time, Nostradamus evolved his ability for extrasensory perception or what is said as ‘clairvoyance’.
  • Nostradamus also makes predictions of New Age Prophet, but it is assumed that he’s not the last.
  • As this prediction site evolves, the forecasts of distinct reputable seers like Edgar Cayce will also be unveiled in religious texts like Bible and Maya.
  • In the Mayan calendar, the end of 2012 is also written.
  • Will the world really end on 21 December 2012- what is its importance?
  • Is this the new beginning or is this the escalation to powering of a third Antichrist?
  • With too many people’s fascination towards the end of 2012, very few look cautiously enough to identify about the truth of his prophesies.
  • Nostradamus is an intelligent person, but he was not a prophet.
  • He was earlier assumed to have made predictions that the earth would end by the comet strike in July 1999, but it didn’t occur!


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