Azad Talks about Deadline on Telangana, 28th Jan Bandh Called by TRS?
Today some time back Ghulam Nabi Azad (AICC in-charge of Andhra Pradesh) a basic Kashmiri talks about Separate Telangana which is actually a deadline which is given by the Home Minister Shinde (28th Jan'2013) few months ago. However today (27th Jan'13) told that, there wouldn't be any deadline on the T-issue, hence they have asked Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy, PCC President Botsa Satyanarayana and all other senior leaders from all parties to discuss about the same. Here goes more updates -
Though AICC in-charge of Andhra Pradesh Ghulam Nabi Azad sought to give an impression that there might not be any announcement on the Telangana issue by January 28, there are indications from Delhi that the Centre would come out with an announcement by Sunday evening or Monday morning.
According to senior Congress leader and MP J D Seelam, there will be announcement from the Centre on Monday. He appealed to the people in both Telangana and Seemandhra regions to maintain restraint in the wake of the statement. He also asked the Congress leaders to abide by whatever decision the Centre takes in this regard.
However, minister for minor irrigation T G Venkatesh said there would be no decision on the Telangana issue on January 28. So, there was no need for anybody to resign from their seats, he said.
Reports from New Delhi said union minister for home Sushil Kumar Shinde would call for a press conference or issue a statement on Sunday evening or Monday morning. It is not immediately known whether he would announce a decision on Telangana issue, or seek more time to take a decision. The second possibility appears to be more likely, say sources.
Tags: 28th Jan 2013 called for Bandh by TRS, TStatement Bandh Status, 28th Jan Bandh News Updates, Telangana State Bandh called
Though AICC in-charge of Andhra Pradesh Ghulam Nabi Azad sought to give an impression that there might not be any announcement on the Telangana issue by January 28, there are indications from Delhi that the Centre would come out with an announcement by Sunday evening or Monday morning.
According to senior Congress leader and MP J D Seelam, there will be announcement from the Centre on Monday. He appealed to the people in both Telangana and Seemandhra regions to maintain restraint in the wake of the statement. He also asked the Congress leaders to abide by whatever decision the Centre takes in this regard.
However, minister for minor irrigation T G Venkatesh said there would be no decision on the Telangana issue on January 28. So, there was no need for anybody to resign from their seats, he said.
Reports from New Delhi said union minister for home Sushil Kumar Shinde would call for a press conference or issue a statement on Sunday evening or Monday morning. It is not immediately known whether he would announce a decision on Telangana issue, or seek more time to take a decision. The second possibility appears to be more likely, say sources.
Tags: 28th Jan 2013 called for Bandh by TRS, TStatement Bandh Status, 28th Jan Bandh News Updates, Telangana State Bandh called
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