Andhra Pradesh Govt to support Telugu NRIs with a Portal

Andhra Pradesh Government (Department of NRI) is recently started a website service ( for the Non-Resident Indians (NRI's) those who went to other Countries from AP. This portal helps to the NRIs if they require any help during their stay and short term visit to the other Countries like USA, UK, Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia etc.

The purpose of this web portal as World Wide Web inventor intended the Web to be “a collaborative medium, a place where we (could) provide one step services to the A.P.NRI’s information like Management Information/ Application System, Authentication and Attestation of the Educational Certificates and Personal and documents, Awareness programes relating to Marriages, Pre-Departure Training through OMCAP, Tracing of the Missing NRI’s, Legal Assistance to the required, Exgratia / Compensation to the deceased ones, Abroad Medical Assistance, Transportation of the Mortal Remains, Initiation with Embassies and Consulates and other services related to A.P.NRI’s on case to case basis and we also provide information to the Non-Resident Indians by exploring A.P. Heritage & Pride, Educational Institutions, Tourism, Investment and also Food.

We are sure this portal would allow smooth flow of information that could help and strengthen the A.P.NRI’s network movement and also make A.P. as eye catching to the worldwide.

After you visit this portal (Website), you can find an tab 'NRI Services'. In this you can see three options - NRI Regisration, Attestation and Authentication.


reguvardan said…
Thank you --- And what a wonderfully informative site you have.
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