Facebook buying WhatsApp for a record deal of Rs.1,18,200 Crore ($1900 billion)

Oh My God, its a history in the deals of buying a company. Facebook owning WhatsApp by paying Rs.1,18,200 Crore worth deal to WhatsApp and in US$ 1900 billion.

WhatsApp was started in the year 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum. They both approached Google and Microsoft for the deal to sell of WhatsApp, however both companies didn't show the interest for the deal.

Why is Facebook look at this costly worth deal? Does WhatsApp really worth of one lakh crore aka $1900 billions? The reason being, this app is well known and using millions of the people worldwide. This is free for 1 year and then very minimal charges from next year onwards. Using this app, we can send voice messages, photos, videos with in few seconds of time. Hence WhatsApp got very good craze over worldwide.

Tags: FB acquires WhatsApp, deal secrets, best deals worldwide, WhatsApp 2014 deals, WhatsApp in Facebook


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