2014 GATE Exam Toppers & Rankers - IIT Kharagpur Results announced
GATE Engineering division Bharath Reddy Topper - IIT Kharagpur
GATE exam results of 2014 been released and the same can be checked on the official website link.
Bharath Reddy hails from Karim Nagar and he is the topper in Mining Engineering.
Ankit Varma scored 3rd Rank from NIT Warangal
Rapolu Jaya Prakash scorted 9th Rank in Electrical Engineering
Sunil Varma - 5th Rank
Kotha Sairam - 18th Rank
IIIT Basara students also scored some good ranks.
GATE exam results of 2014 been released and the same can be checked on the official website link.
GATE 2014 Engineering Division Topper is Bharath Reddy
Bharath Reddy hails from Karim Nagar and he is the topper in Mining Engineering.
Ankit Varma scored 3rd Rank from NIT Warangal
Rapolu Jaya Prakash scorted 9th Rank in Electrical Engineering
Sunil Varma - 5th Rank
Kotha Sairam - 18th Rank
IIIT Basara students also scored some good ranks.
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