MEK Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu 1st season ends, when is the 2nd Season?

Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu (MEK) program is comes to an end today 7th August 2014 and Megastar Chiranjeevi participated in the final episode of MEK. 1st season of MEK ends today officially and it has been announced by the Producer Nimmagadda Prasad, Host Akkineni Nagarjuna.

In the final episode of MEK (Telugu version) Siddhartha Basu joined with the MAA TV Chairman and MD Nimmagadda Prasad along with Chiranjeevi and Nagarjuna.

When the MEK (Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu) 2nd Season would start?

As per Host Nagarjuna of MEK told today that, dates will get finalize soon and keep visiting this blog for more updates.

Why MEK (Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu) stopped now?

KBC Season 8 is the main show which is going to start from 13th August 2014, as per the contract and agreement with regional channels, before KBC 8th season starts, all other regional channels should stop this concept. As every one aware that, Siddhartha Basu has given the concept for this show (both National and regional)


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