Controversy between Director Rewon Yadu and Sivaji
Boochamma Boochodu Director Rewon Yadu had some promotional issues with Hero Sivaji and other few collegues who not promoting him as a director. Rewan Yadu told to the media in Sakshi that, Hero Sivaji not giving the importance in the movie promotional events before TV media and news papers. As per the Director Rewan Yadu, Sivaji is promoting he is the director this film and keeping him aside.
There was a big fight between Sivaji and Director Rewon Yadav during the call and live show in Sakshi News Channel in this afternoon. Rewan reported that, Sivaji is not including him and not calling for any movie promotional events.
There was a big fight between Sivaji and Director Rewon Yadav during the call and live show in Sakshi News Channel in this afternoon. Rewan reported that, Sivaji is not including him and not calling for any movie promotional events.
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